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The Whole Child, Issue #027- Taking a break September 17, 2006 |
The Whole Child e-zine brings you free preschool activities each week to maximize your child's potential, build skills and parent-child relationships in just a few minutes per day. Useful tips, quotes, resources, opportunities and articles will added for extra value!
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17 September 2006, Issue #027 CONTENTS 1.
Hello from Shirley 1. Hello from ShirleySince our holiday at the end of August, I made a decision to slow down a bit with the pace of building my website. Having been working at it flat out since I began in November 2005, I decided that it is time to do more of the other things in life that I enjoy, things that I had put on the back-burner while getting my site up and running.I need a season of "cyber-rest" and reflection, while I enjoy the passive income that my site is now generating. Just this week I got another 'dollar cheque' in the mail...and with the exchange rate between the South African rand and the US dollar at about 7:1, even a small dollar cheque is a welcome reward to me!! Are you interested in finding out how YOU could also build a website and earn dollars while you sleep - with NO TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE required?? Click here and take a Quick Tour and email me if you have any questions too! 2. TipsHow to avoid a drama when its time to go home from a playdate:Tell your child before the time what behaviour is expected - for example, that she should help tidy up and then thank the hostess for having her. Also warn her what the consequences will be should she not behave well and then follow through if necessary. It may take some training, but as moms, that is our job. 3. Quote"Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God."Leo Buscaglia (1924 - 1998) 5. Readiness ActivitiesTo download the printable pdf you will need to have installed Adobe Reader - opens in new window. The Whole Child - Week 28-29 Activities - printable pdf Week 28
Fine motor skills Let your child trace the outlines of a pair of shoes onto newspaper to make about 10 footprint shapes. Help her to cut these out to use in this week’s gross motor skills activity. Make sure you have both left and right feet and talk about left and right (laterality). Gross motor skills Place the footprints you cut from newspaper on the floor and let your child walk on them. When she steps with her right foot, she must swing her left arm forward and turn her head to the right and vice versa. Vary the distance between the footsteps to make it more fun! Visual perception If you don’t have a loose mat in your home, use a piece of wool to create a large rectangle shape on the floor. Your child must first walk along the edges of the shape and then crawl around the shape. Encourage her to make sharp turns at the corners of the rectangle. Ask her to jump from side to side over the rectangle. Talk about the two long sides and the two short sides. Both of you (or two children) lie down on the floor together and use your bodies to create a rectangle shape. Auditory perception Choose five objects from around the house that will each make a different sound when dropped onto a hard surface like a counter or table top e.g. a teaspoon, a wooden block, a plastic cup, a book, a pair of scissors. Show them to your child and then let her turn her back towards you and listen carefully as you drop each item in turn. She must try and tell you which item was dropped after each time. Mathematical skills Teach your child to count to ten or higher if she can. Let your child count real objects. On average, a four year old will be able to count to ten, although she may only comprehend the numbers under five. Remember, not every child develops at the same rate. Faith building Establish a time when you will read to a Bible story to your child each day. Bedtime is usually a good time to read, giving your child some time to quieten down before its time to sleep. Explain to your child that these stories really happened, they are not made up and that we can learn lessons about life from them. Our family has also enjoyed our reading of compilations of missionary stories and other true stories about Christians.
Week 29
Language and thinking Look
around your home and ask your child to name as many things as she can
see that are: Gross motor skills Let your child pretend she is walking a tight rope. Either place a piece of rope along the floor, or alternatively let her walk along a line between tiles, or the around the edge of a mat, or the joins in the concrete on the sidewalk. As a variation, let her criss-cross her feet on either side of the line: start standing on the left of the line. Cross the left foot to the other side of the line and then cross the right foot back to the left side of the line and so on. Then let her try to walk backwards along the line without 'falling off' the tight rope! Visual perception & fine motor skills Create a colour-coded scrap book with your child. Make a page for each colour, by writing the name of the colour with a crayon or marker of that colour on the top of the page. Begin with the 3 primary colours, red, yellow and blue, then create a page for the secondary colours, green, orange and purple. Let your child cut out items in shades of each colour and glue them into her colour scrap-book. Keep this book for future activities. This activity need not be completed in one day. Mathematical skills Play easy games that require using dice, like ludo or snakes and ladders. If your child can manage, use two dice so that she has to add two numbers together or "count onwards" eg 5+3 is 5,6,7, 8. Auditory perceptionMake an effort to expose your child to good quality music with complex musical patterns. Listen to musical stories which you can buy or borrow from the library. There is a list of recommended music and musical productions on my website at Faith building Continue reading a Bible story to your child each day. Answer any questions your child may ask as honestly as possible. Ask your child to tell the story back to you afterwards. This will give you a good idea of how well she understood what was read and what she found significant about the story. |