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The Whole Child, Issue #069 More Math Tips and Missing Activities March 10, 2010 |
The Whole Child e-zine brings you free preschool activities each week to maximize your child's potential, build skills and parent-child relationships in just a few minutes per day. Useful tips, quotes, resources, opportunities and articles will be added for extra value! If you enjoy this e-zine, please pay it forward and send it to a friend.
March 2010, Issue #069 1. Hello from Shirley
By now you have probably noticed that I sent you a newsletter without the usual set of activities at the end. I must apologise the letter was scheduled to be mailed some time ago and I forgot to add the activities, which is why you are now receiving a second newsletter from me this month. I am hard at work at adding even more ideas for Math Activities to the site so I thought I'd send you some more tips and links to the new activities along with those missing developmental activities so you get a bit 'extra' from me this month. Firstly, here are some of the new Maths activities I have added so far. I hope to add more in due course: NEW!Printable Ladybug Math Activities Now for some more Math Teaching Tips: Early Number SkillsCounting by heart Activities counting songs and rhymes One-to-one correspondence Activities laying the table, sharing candy, counting any toys or household objects Reading numbers Activities choose a number and see how many times you find it in a day Writing numbers Conservation of number Sorting Activities play games where your child has to spot the odd one out eg. Categories of food, toys, vehicles, buildings etc. You could create a scrapbook with magazine cuttings to reinforce this concept by creating a page for each category.
Measurement Sometimes this method is not possible. For example, you can't take a carpet from a shop to see if it will fit a room in your house, so then you need to measure it. This is why we have standard units of measurement like feet, inches, centimetres and metres. Young children can use anything as a unit of measure. For instance they could: Use blocks to measure height or length You can also measure curves using these units. Use a piece of string to measure the curved object and then measure the string with blocks, for instance. Estimating is a very important skill, for measuring and for Math in general. In every day life we estimate all the time. Talk about this with your child: Is this enough milk for your cereal? How much paper do we need to wrap this present? If a child can estimate answers to calculations he or she is less likely to make glaring errors.
1. Counting objects - 2 ladybugs plus 3 more ladybugs is 1,2,3,4,5 ladybugs. 2. Counting on - 2 ladybugs plus 3 more ladybugs is 2...3,4,5 ladybugs. 3. Counting on from the highest number - 2 ladybugs plus 3 more ladybugs is ...3,4,5 ladybugs. 4. Counting on fingers - If your child does this, she knows that the answer will be the same whether you count fingers or ladybugs! 5. Knowing number facts - She knows that 2+4 is always 6, so she doesn't need to count objects to check. These number facts are also known as number bonds. Activities to help with counting on Activities to help with number bonds SubtractionDifference - I've got 2 buttons, she's got 5 so she's got 3 more than me! Difference can be found by counting on. Activity - play 'grab the biggest pile' of raisins, buttons, pebbles, candy, then lay out two lines to see who won. Count to find the difference. Taking away - I had 8 biscuits and I've eaten 2 so how many are left? This is a more difficult concept. Activity - Make some ladybugs and hide some under a flowerpot: there were 6 and now there are 3 so how many are hiding?
The most important things we can do to help our children are: Readiness ActivitiesThe following activities are aimed at ages 3-5. For older or younger children, adapt the activity to their ability or alternatively repeat the activities previously suggested.Click here for Backissues of The Whole Child publication. To download the activities in a printable pdf, click here. You will need to have Adobe Reader installed. Its a free download. Repeat these activities often - with your own variations too! 1. Gross motor skills Let your child pretend that he is a windmill and swing his arms in a circle without bending them, one after the other. Encourage him to swing them in such a way that they cross the midline of his body. Tell him the wind is blowing softly or hard and let him speed up or slow down his motions accordingly.
1. Fine motor skills Colouring: Let your child cover an entire piece of paper or blackboard with overlapping circles that she has drawn. Then let her colour the overlapping sections in different colours. Use the paper for cards or decoration. 3. Visual skills Play games while looking at pictures where your child must point out different geometric shapes, such as circles, squares and triangles. Use the free printable pictures provided for Preschool Shape Activities
4. Auditory skills Visit the website Classics for Kids and let your child listen to The Golliwog's Cakewalk by Debussy. 5. Mathematical skills Refer to the article above. 6. Language and thinking skills Use the free printable pictures provided for Preschool Shape Activities and talk about all the objects shown in the pictures. 7. Faith-building Spend sometime lying on your back outside under the stars one night on a week-end if your child usually goes to bed early and marvel at the countless number of them, made by our Creator.
Greetings until next month P.S. If you'd like to learn more about building an income-generating website like mine, click on the SBI banner! Home l Preschool Themes l l Ideas by Subject l Preschool Curriculum l Homeschool Help l Free Kids Games l ABC Fun & 1-2-3 l Free Printables
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