Preschool Homeschooling

Seasonal Themes

Preschool Skills

Preschool Activities

Easter Poems

Easy Easter poems, songs and fingerplay verses to learn.

Easter Poem - Jelly Beans


You will need to buy a small packet of jelly beans or other candy that contains sweets of each color mentioned below.

In South Africa I buy a type of liquorice beans made by Mister Sweet.

You could make a little paper bag for each child with the poem printed on the front and the candy inside it, as shown below.

Alternatively, put the candy into a small ziploc bag with the poem inside for each child.

jelly bean poem

Jelly Bean Poem

Red is for the blood He gave.
Green is for the grass He made.
Yellow is for the sunflowers so bright.
Black is for the dark of night.
White is for the grace He gave.
Orange is for the sun He made.
Purple is for the hours of sorrow.
Pink is for our new tomorrow.
A bag full of jelly beans,
colourful and sweet.
It's a prayer, a promise,
and a child's treat.

Easter Song

He Made the Stars to Shine

He made the stars to shine
He made the rolling sea
He made the mountains high
And He made me.
And this is why I love him:
For me He bled and died
The Lord of all creation
Became the crucified.

Easter Fingerplay

Pretty flowers blooming, see how they grow. (Children crouch low, stretching arms up. Rise slowly.)

Pretty flowers coming up.

Jesus is alive we know. (Children point toward heaven.)

Hear the church bells ringing

Jesus is alive we know. (Hands locked together, swing arms as a clapper.)

Let's shout the good news Everywhere we go. (Cup hands around mouth and children join leader in calling out.)

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