Preschool Homeschooling
South African Homeschool Curriculum
A homegrown South African homeschool curriculum designed to take parents and children on an armchair journey around South Africa.

Little Footprints South Africa in Stories
- Is your family reading too many stories about baseball, bears and snow at Christmas and missing out on literature that has a LOCAL flavour?
- Do you need a homegrown South African homeschool curriculum?
- Do you need to simplify your life, build your confidence and reduce stress?
Little Footprints - South Africa in Stories is a literature-based South African Homeschool curriculum designed to take you and your little ones on an arm chair journey around South Africa, exploring the fascinating people, animals and places that make up our beautiful land.
It is built around children's stories about South Africa, which in most cases, but not all, have been written by South African authors.
The purpose of this 'journey' is to help you ignite in your children
- a love of literature,
- a love of learning and
- a love for South Africa.
The Footprints Vision - South African homeschool curriculum resources
In 2002, after about 6 years of homeschooling our own children using excellent imported material we found that they were lacking in knowledge of their own heritage and environment.
Footprints On Our Land was born to fill this need.
Our vision was to put together a South African Homeschool curriculum that would make our children proud to be South African, that would make them understand and appreciate the good in our country as well as its problems, and that would give them a desire to play a part in building a bright future for our nation.
"Search in your past for what is good and beautiful. Build your future from there." (President Paul Kruger)

Little Footprints is the first South African homeschool curriculum in a series of three literature-based curricula: Footprints on Our Land - South Africa's Heritage and Footprints into the 21st Century are the sequels for older children.
Designed to Simplify your Life
Unlike many other curriculum suppliers, we the authors of the Little Footprints South African homeschool curriculum are two homeschooling mothers who know the ins and outs of the life of a homeschooling family.
We have four and five children respectively ranging from teens to tiny tots and we understand the many responsibilities and pressures that a homeschooling mom faces as a wife, mother, home manager, teacher, taxi-driver, life-coach, friend and all the other 'hats' we women must wear in our multi-faceted lives.
That is why our South African homeschool curriculum is designed to simplify your life, build your confidence and minimize the stress associated with educating your children at home...and we don't just sell you the books and then leave you to get on with the programme. We support you.
We Support You
We are right here to walk your through your Footprints journey. We offer after-sales support, ideas, new resources and encouragement via our Footprints eloop where you can also meet other Footprints families and be a part of the online Footprints community using our South African homeschool curriculum.
Used by over 200 Families in over 10 Countries
In the three years since we launched our first South African homeschool curriculum, we have served over 200 families and our reputation as a supplier of uniquely South African homeschool resources is growing. Already we have expatriate South African families in over 10 countries abroad using our Footprints products.
"I have received my parcel & am delighted with the books & your work material & feel energized once again to do something which is fun for both me & my child, thanks!"
Marjo, Zambia
"You have put together a very interesting and comprehensive course."
Miriam, school teacher, USA
Order your Little Footprints South African Homeschool Curriculum NOW!
Little Footprints
a delightful curriculum
Little Footprints is designed to be a book of ideas for you to use to enrich your reading of the storybooks. It is intended to bring you and your children together in a time of intimacy and sharing, as you introduce them to the world of books and enhance their awareness of the world around them. Listening to stories will develop your children's imagination and will help them to appreciate basic moral values.
Little Footprints is aimed at children between the ages of four and eight but younger and older siblings are sure to enjoy the stories and joining in with the activities too.
The Enrichment Guide
The Enrichment Guide contains all the lesson plans and the information you need to further your children's read aloud experience.
Each book is summarized at the beginning of the appropriate chapter and and additional resources to complement it are listed.
Each book study includes Bible study, a Bible memory verse, a copywork text and a variety of the following lessons, depending on the content of the story: Social studies, Nature study, Geography, Mapwork, Readiness skills, Language Arts, Pre-maths and plenty of Arts and craft activities which are appropriate for this age group.
A large South African dry-write wall map and picture discs are also included to give you a well-rounded South African homeschool curriculum.
Eight Bonuses
When you buy the Little Footprints South African homeschool curriculum, you also get the following added bonuses free:
- Tips for a weekly language programme that follows the ideas of the 18th century educator, Charlotte Mason
- Two chapters on philosophies of early learning based on Charlotte Mason and Raymond & Dorothy Moore respectively.
- Advice for scheduling your day including a customizable template
- Nature study tips
- Appendix with printable templates for art and craft activities
- Printable outline maps of South Africa and the world.
- Bonus lessons for 15 great books now out of print but still in libraries.
- Reviews of dozens of South African stories that you can add to your South African homeschool curriculum.
Preview one of the bonus lessons as a
sample lesson
All you will need to add is an age-appropriate Maths and Phonics program, IF your children are ready for that.
Order your Little Footprints South African homeschool curriculum NOW!
The Story Books
Little Footprints includes 27 story books, two South African poetry books and a South African reference book.
High quality South African children's books which will ignite your children's thought environment and enrich them in knowledge and character have been carefully selected, according to the standards which the authors use for their own families' reading.

Titles of other suitable literature which you can use to enrich your children's learning experience using this South African homeschool curriculum are also included. Additional resources are listed at the start of many chapters, as well as in the chapter Reviews of Additional Books.
In this updated edition (2016), some newly published story books have replaced some of the out of print books. However, since the out of print titles are still available in libraries, we have included them as optional Bonus Lessons at the end of the Guide.
There are 26 story studies, one per week for virtually a whole school year. Some of the stories are to be studied over two weeks. We supply the Enrichment Guide, a large South African map outline, two poetry books, a South African reference book and most of the storybooks.
The remaining books are available from local or online bookstores and the library. However, should you not want to buy the books, most of them are also available through the library system, so you have the option of purchasing just the Enrichment Guide (parent's manual).
This makes Little Footprints an affordable South African Homeschool curriculum for those who need to homeschool on a shoestring budget!
Most of the books have also been published in Afrikaans.
Picture Discs
At the back of the Enrichment Guide you will find picture discs, which you may photocopy for your own family's use. Each one represents one of the stories included in Little Footprints and should be placed on the South African map, which is included with the Guide. In this way your children will develop a good sense of the geographical setting of each story.
Order your Little Footprints South African homeschool curriculum NOW!
" Little Footprints
What a delightful curriculum! The quality of the reading books in this program is outstanding in every way. All the books are all rich in language, beautifully illustrated and communicate profoundly to our children through their insightful, touching messages.
As our family journeys through the reading and the recommended activities, I am constantly reminded of Marilyn Howshall's exhortation, to 'create a lifestyle of learning' by remembering that 'we are educating our children's hearts first and then their minds.'
The Little Footprints program gets to the heart in a wonderful way, both through the reading material, and through the carefully thought-out activities which creatively introduce our children to the fascinating world in which we live. It is a curriculum which is rich with ideas, but at the same time acts as a catylist for the mother, inspiring further investigation and sparking fresh ideas.
Highly recommended!"
Shirley Royal, KZN

The Benefits of a Footprints Curriculum
1. Children love stories:
Our clients tell us over and over again how much their children love the stories in our programmes and that they don't want to stop reading them. Unlike text books which have snippets of factual information that children usually find dry and boring, our stories are exciting and educational at the same time. What a winning combination!
2. Footprints keeps moms sane and fosters the building of good sibling relationship through multi-level learning.
Children of various ages can do the same lessons, making a mother's life simpler and easier and keeping the family together.
"Footprints is so easy on me and I do appreciate that - especially as we do not have available the usual SA library resources or even places to visit, and yet, we are able to make much of it and enjoy it. With four children aged four and under and two older ones, we are limited as to how much we can go "out" anyway so your book and the other books that I have been able to find here have made it very Mom-friendly too!"
( UK mom)
3. Footprints saves you time, money and a lot of frustration.
As we have done all the preparation, planning and sourcing of relevant books for you, you have everything you need when you need it.
"I just wanted to let you know that I think the Footprints programme is outstanding and we are so enjoying it. I especially am very appreciative of all the effort and extras you have put into the manual. You have it all there for me. For example, just yesterday I was wondering how I could make a melktert - and then I found your recipe! Again, when we did one of the books, it talked about baking bread. My son had asked me what yeast was and hey presto, there was your answer, complete with an easy, child friendly method to make bread AND experiments!"
(Kerry in the UK)
4. Footprints saves you shipping time.
No more waiting for months for your package to be shipped from abroad. We are local but we do ship overseas too.
5. You can pay in rands, not dollars and we offer different payment options to suit your pocket. Click here for Ordering information.
6. Support is on hand via our Footprints eloop. Once you have ordered your package we will send you details about how to subscribe and join the Footprints family.
7. Money-back guarantee.
You have the option of returning your package within 14 days if you are not completely satisfied. Conditions apply.
Order your Little Footprints South African homeschool curriculum NOW!
Our Clients Say ...
"It fits in so well with our lifestyles as we travel all over South Africa."
Traveling mom, Sedgefield
"Thank you so much for a beautiful and well done curriculum.
We are enjoying it, and I am sure it will make our home schooling a lot more
Footprints mom, Underberg
"I was really excited when I heard that something similar existed for South-African history. Thank you for the tremendous work you did to make South-African history fun!"
Missionary family, Peru
"We have been so delighted with what you have to offer and say well done, you are
doing a great job on behalf of homeschoolers."
Mom of young adults, Johannesburg
"What a treat - I picked up the books from your sister today."
South Africans living in the UK
"I've just gone to fetch my packages and in a flurry of great excitement we unpacked the books! I only had a quick look, but from what I have seen, I love it!
Excited mom, Piet Retief
Order your Little Footprints South African homeschool curriculum NOW!
Build a love for literature and for South Africa with a homegrown South African Homeschool curriculum!
Ordering Little Footprints
There are three options for ordering the Little Footprints South African homeschool curriculum. Choose which best suits your pocket.Please note that the order form containing the booklist will be supplied to you on receipt of a deposit. Prices exclude postage and packaging. Details of the latest prices ( purchase options ranging from about R1000-R3000) and how to go about ordering will be emailed to you when you submit the form below.
There are answers to frequently asked questions on our Footprints website at www.south-african-homeschool-curriculum.com. To order now or if you have any questions, contact Shirley using the form below. Your details will be kept confidential.
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