Preschool Homeschooling
The Whole Child
Maximizing Potential
A free newsletter to stimulate the whole child - fun preschool developmental activities for parents to maximize their children's potential in just minutes a day!
Busy modern parents often feel guilty because they don't spend enough quality time with their children.
By doing one easy preschool activity a day, you can give your children the attention they need and have fun and interact in a way that will stimulate their all-round growth and the development of
school readiness skills
required for formal learning.
The Benefits to You and Your Children
Summary of Activities in The Whole Child
Back Issues of The Whole Child
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Subscribe today to this free e-zine packed with age-appropriate preschool activities to stimulate your children in a variety of ways, plus useful tips and info for YOU, delivered regularly to your inbox.
To help you or your spouse make a daily habit of doing stimulating preschool activities with your children, you can subscribe to this free e-zine. A list of purpose-filled preschool activities that you can do in about 10-20 minutes a day will regularly be delivered to your inbox.
Summary of Activities in The Whole Child
When you subscribe to THE WHOLE CHILD, you will receive ideas and tips for:
 The next issue of THE WHOLE CHILD will be published soon, so sign up for free preschool activities today by completing the form above.
The Benefits to You and Your Children
1. Preplanned activities make playtime convenient and easy.
You don't have to think on the spot - just print out the weekly activities and post them on the fridge or bulletin board ready for fun!
2. You don't have to invent new activities on your own. When you come home tired from a busy day at work, it's difficult to think of new activities to entertain your preschooler. Your children will love the time you spend doing these activities and you will love having these activities ready when you need them.
3. Stimulate your children's development through play.
Play is an important part of your children's development. These free preschool activities will help maximise your child's potential.
"Play is important for children of all abilities because it lays the foundation for reading, writing, mathematical reasoning and creativity."
~ Beth Boosalis Davis, Executive Director, National Lekotek Center
4. Give your children the attention they adore.
Children love to play, and they love to play with their parents. Give them the attention they want and need by using these simple activities.
5. Minimal preparation time.
Most of these activities require little or no preparation. You can be ready for play in a moment's notice. You most probably have any toys or other resources around the house, although suggestions are given for new ones to consider.
6. Improved family relationships. Work, television and computers occupy more and more of our time. Make a point of interacting more with your precious little ones and developing their social skills by using these free preschool activities.
Dont miss the next issue of THE WHOLE CHILD. Sign up for FREE preschool activities that will maximize your child's potential today by completing the form below:
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